Department I

Patty Miller
Handwork & Needlework General Information
Exhibit Entry
Irwin Building
Friday, August 1
11 am – 7 pm
Saturday, August 2
11 am – 7 pm
Exhibit Pick Up
Tuesday, September 2
1 pm – 6 pm
Saturday, September 6
1 pm – 6 pm
Mailing Your Entry
The Fair accepts mailed or freighted entries from non-local exhibitors. When mailing, ensure the following information is sent with entry: full name of entrant & Alaska State Fair Entrant Number (if you have one), mailing address, phone number, email address and the department/division/class to enter item. Using this information, the entry form will be completed, and entry will be processed into the proper department. Entries may be mailed to Alaska State Fair, Attn: Exhibit Department, 2075 Glenn Highway, Palmer, AK 99645. Please mail your entry
by July 24th to ensure timely delivery. Instructions for return should also be included with the entry. Ensure you provide return postage, if you wish us to mail entry back. Insurance of mailed items is highly encouraged.
Special Awards – Handwork & Needlework
Outstanding entries will be recognized by these generous donors