Competitive Exhibits General Information
Department Locations
Hoskins Exhibits
Irwin Exhibits
Delivering your Entry & Accessing the Fairgrounds
***Unauthorized dogs are NOT allowed on the fairgrounds ***
Non-Perishable Entries:
Credentials are not required to enter the Fairgrounds. Entrants drive to the respective exhibit building, enter items, and leave to accommodate others.
Fairgrounds Entry 2025:
Friday, August 1
11 am – 7 pm
Saturday, August 2
11 am – 7 pm
Fairgrounds Pick-up 2025:
Tuesday, September 2
1 pm – 6 pm
Saturday, September 6
1 pm – 6 pm
Perishable & Livestock Entries:
1st Entry – 2025
Fair Admission or credentials are not required. Entrants will drive to the respective exhibit building, enter items, and leave to accommodate others.
Rabbits – 1st Entry
Tuesday, August 19, 4 pm – 8 pm
Poultry – 1st Entry
Tuesday, August 19, 4 pm – 8 pm
Honey & Beekeeping Entry
Tuesday, August 19, 2 pm – 8 pm
Baked Goods, Crops, Flowers – 1st Entry
Wednesday, August 20, noon – 9 pm
Open Livestock Entry
Wednesday, August 20, 4 pm – 9 pm
2nd Entry – 2025
2nd Entries will be taken on Wednesdays. As the fair is closed on Wednesdays, gate attendants at the Red & Orange Access will allow exhibitors into the fairgrounds. Please inform the gate attendant that you are entering an exhibit.
Rabbits – 2nd Entry
Tuesday, August 26, 4 pm – 8 pm
Poultry – 2nd Entry
Tuesday, August 26, 4 pm – 8 pm
Baked Goods, Crops, Flowers – 2nd Entry
Wednesday, August 27, noon – 9 pm
4-H Livestock Entry
Wednesday, August 27, 3 pm – 7 pm
Competitive Exhibits
If you are interested in submitting an entry, please click on the relevant department for more specific entry instructions.
All events and times subject to change.
Exhibits Special Contest
Click on special contests you’d like to enter to find out more information.
“Berry Good” Pie Contest
19th Annual Alaska Midnight Sun Great Pumpkin Weigh-Off
29th Annual Giant Cabbage Weigh-Off
Appetizer Contest
Just for Kids Cookie Contest
Max Sherrod Junior Cabbage Grower’s Award
Recycled Yard Art Special Contest
All events and times subject to change.
General Rules & Regulations
Exhibitors must have a lifetime entry number to place an entry. Numbers are available on entry day, or you may call 907-746-7167 before July 1 to obtain one. Previously assigned entry numbers may be researched on entry day. 4-H entry numbers are not valid for Open Fair competition.
Each exhibit requires a completed entry form. All forms are available at the fairgrounds during entry day. Anyone entering many exhibits may obtain forms before entry day from the Main Office on the fairgrounds.
Upon entering, exhibitors receive a yellow copy of the entry form. This must be retained and presented as a claim check to pick up exhibits.
Exhibits must remain on display until designated pick-up dates. No early pick up allowed.
Unclaimed exhibits become the property of Alaska State Fair, Inc., and are disposed of after 30 days unless otherwise arranged for in advance.
General Entry Information
Entries are open to all. Entries without entrant contact or mailing information will be automatically disqualified and not judged.
The Fair management or Department Superintendent may reject any exhibit offered if it is objectionable in any way, requires excessive space, or if the department capacity is full.
“For Sale” signs and business cards are not permitted on any exhibit during the Fair, and raffles may not be held within departments, unless approved by management.
Once entered, all articles come entirely under the control and jurisdiction of the Fair management, and may not be removed or disturbed by exhibitors until designated pick-up days.
Entries must be by the maker or grower. Livestock and rabbits are to be entered by the current owner.
Except for animals or plants, exhibits entered in previous Alaska State Fairs may not be re-entered. An entry deemed as such by a Superintendent or Judge will be disqualified. All items must have been completed since the previous Fair.
No entrant may compete in more than one category per department, i.e. Open and Professional. If sub-category is not specified, entry will be classified as Open. Unique rules may prevail in any department.
Items must be entered in the proper category and accompanied by an entry form. Improperly completed forms may result in disqualification and forfeited awards. Exhibitors are fully responsible for correct entry forms and classes. Superintendents may transfer erroneously entered exhibits to proper classes, and if such classes have been judged, judging will not be reopened.
No entry may compete for more than one premium or be entered in more than one class unless otherwise specified.
The Alaska State Fair, Inc. Directors interpret these rules and regulations and accompanying entry information.
Mailing Your Entry
The Fair accepts mailed or freighted entries from non-local exhibitors. When mailing, ensure the following information is sent with entry: full name of entrant & Alaska State Fair Entrant Number (if you have one), mailing address, phone number, email address and the department/division/class to enter item. Using this information, the entry form will be completed, and entry will be processed into the proper department. Entries may be mailed to Alaska State Fair, Attn: Exhibit Department, 2075 Glenn Highway, Palmer, AK 99645. Please mail your entry by July 24th to ensure timely delivery. Instructions for return should also be included with the entry. Ensure you provide return postage, if you wish us to mail entry back. Insurance of mailed items is highly encouraged.
Judges may not award prizes to unworthy exhibits. Judges are not required to award 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in each class. No person shall judge any exhibit in which there is any direct or indirect interest as owner or agent. The American System of judging shall prevail throughout the exhibit program.
Superintendents control their departments, subject only to the orders of Fair management. Superintendents may change, combine, or further break down classes and/or divisions at their discretion.
Protests must be written and accompanied by a $25 deposit which is forfeited if the protest is not sustained. Protest must be received by Fair management within 24 hours after the official opening of the Fair. Protests must plainly state the complaint or appeal. No appeal based upon alleged incompetence of judges will be considered.
Ribbons and premiums (cash prizes) awarded are as follows unless otherwise noted within the department:
1st Place Blue Ribbon – $7.00
2nd Place Red Ribbon – $5.00
3rd Place White Ribbon – $3.00
Division Champion, Judges’ Choice, Honorable Mention, and Best of Show ribbons/rosettes may be awarded, however no premiums are paid. Premium Checks and Special Awards will be mailed after the end of the Fair. Ribbons may be claimed along with exhibits. First entry perishable ribbons may be claimed on the Fairgrounds during second entry or on designated pick up dates.
Entrants wishing to have ribbons mailed must submit an appropriate size, self-addressed envelope with adequate postage to:
Alaska State Fair
Exhibit Department
2075 Glenn Highway
Palmer, AK 99645
Demonstration Program
Come to Hoskins and Irwin buildings for exciting demonstrations! See quilters, woodworkers, and other handcrafters in action.
To volunteer in the demonstration program, contact Exhibits Manager at