DIVISIONNAMEHOMETOWNENTRYDivision 1: For Youth, to 3, Woven (Open)Alene SeitzChugiak, AKToddler DressDivision 1: For Youth, to 3, Woven (Professional)Katie YoderAnchorage, AKPeasant Dress and JumperDivision 2: For Youth, to 3, KnitNo WinnerDivision 3: For Youth, Ages 4-12, WovenJamie WinchesterValdez, AK2 Matching Dresses with Hand Embroidery AccentsDivision 4: For Youth, Ages 4-12, KnitJamie WinchesterValdez, AKArcher’s...
DIVISIONNAMEHOMETOWNENTRYDivision 1: For Youth, to 3, Woven (Open)Candie GrahamPalmer, AKFlowery DressDivision 2: For Youth, to 3, KnitNo WinnersDivision 3: For Youth, Ages 4-12, Woven(Junior 12 & under)Lillian FoglemanWasilla, AKColorful Blazer with Accent ButtonsDivision 4: For Youth, Ages 4-12, KnitNo WinnersDivision 5: For Teen & Women, Woven (Open)Jillian HollandWasilla, AKPink Floral Kuspuk lined with Cuddle...
DIVISIONCHAMPION NAMEHOMETOWNENTRY DESCRIPTIONDivision 1: For Youth, to 3, Woven (Open)Arlene SteitzChugiak, AKPurple satin dress with sequinsDivision 1: For Youth, to 3, Woven (Junior 12 & Under)No WinnerDivision 1: For Youth, to 3, Woven (Junior 13 – 17)No WinnerDivision 1: For Youth, to 3, Woven (Professional)Misty LicataWasilla, AKRetro romper, hand embroideredDivision 2: For Youth, to 3, Knit (Open)No WinnerDivision 2:...
AWARDNAMEHOMETOWNBEST OF SHOW Special Award presented by:SEAMS LIKE HOME QUILT SHOPPEDeb McCormickPalmer, AKSUPERINTENDENT’S AWARDJackie WarrenWasilla, AKJUDGE’S CHOICESpecial Award presented by: Valley Quilters’ GuildDonna CareyPalmer, AKJUDGE’S CHOICE Special Award presented by: Valley Quilters’ GuildKaye CraftonWillow, AKJUDGE’S CHOICE Special Award presented by: Valley Quilters’ GuildDawn TeuneKetchikan, AKJUDGE’S CHOICE Special...
AWARDNAMEHOMETOWNENTRY BEST OF SHOW Special Award presented by:SEAMS LIKE HOME QUILT SHOPPELinda BracePalmer, AKBloomersSUPERINTENDENT’S CHOICELinda BracePalmer, AKBloomersJUDGE’S CHOICESpecial Award presented by: Valley Quilters’ GuildMarie BaldwinPalmer, AKButterfly QuiltJUDGE’S CHOICE Special Award presented by: Valley Quilters’ GuildBetty Gugel Homer, AK Bird of ParadiseJUDGE’S CHOICE Special Award presented by: Valley Quilters’...