DIVISIONNAME HOMETOWNENTRYDivision 1: Photography (Open)Time KeavenyAnchorage, AKAll Eyes on the BallDivision 1: Photography (Junior: 12 yrs & under)Taylor FiskAnchorage, AKOn The HuntDivision 1: Photography (Junior: 13 yrs – 17 yrs)Ryan SantosEagle River, AKIce Cave ExplorationDivision 1: Photography (Professional)Daniel GlennWasilla, AKMallard vs Bug
DIVISIONNAME HOMETOWNENTRYDivision 1: Photography (Open)Roy PaceEagle River, AKLight ShowDivision 1: Photography (Junior: 12 yrs & under)Esther CrossPalmer, AKDesign by GodDivision 1: Photography (Junior: 13 yrs – 17 yrs)Reuben VetschAnchorage, AKOwlDivision 1: Photography (Professional)Mike LewisAnchorage, AKBobby Rises to the Occasion
DIVISIONCHAMPION NAME HOMETOWNENTRY DESCRIPTIONDivision 1: Photography (Open)Special Award Presented From:Blaines Art and Mountaintop Metal CompanyCorey CuculluWasilla, AKSorry to Burst your BubbleDivision 1: Photography (Junior: 12 yrs & under)Special Award Presented From:Blaines Art and Mountaintop Metal CompanyDax KennedyPalmer, AKCrisp Fall MorningDivision 1: Photography (Junior: 13 yrs – 17 yrs)Special Award Presented...
PRIZENAMEHOMETOWNBEST OF SHOWGlenn MeyersGreenfield, WISUPERINTENDENT’S AWARDLela SielerWasilla, AK JUDGE’S CHOICECortney BramwellEagle River, AKPEOPLE’S CHOICEMatthew FleischhackerChugiak, AK
AWARDNAMEHOMETOWNENTRY BEST OF SHOWTim KeavenyAnchorage, AKAll Eyes On The BallSUPERINTENDENT’S AWARDJohn MaciniPalmer, AKDevilish AngelJUDGE’S CHOICEAsher PepitonAnchorage, AKLittle LynxPEOPLE’S CHOICELorena SkaatsWe All Need Support